SCANTEAM 3700 Wedge Technical Manual
6.3.4 MSI Settings
Default All MSI & Plessey Settings
Scanning the Default bar code will program the 3700 Wedge to the symbology
options indicated by a ✱" in the menu selections on this programming page.
MSI (Sometimes referred to as Modified Plessey Code)
MSI is a discretecode capable of encoding variableĆlength messages (up to 14
characters) from the set of numerics. Each character has four bars and four
spaces. When read from left to right, each barĆspace pair represents one bit:
a narrow barĂ/Ăwide space combination represents a zero, a wide barĂ/Ănarrow
space combination represents a one. Characters are comprised of four bits
each, with the MSB (most significant bit) first.
Despite the requirement ofone check digit,the symbology requireshigh quality
printing and is not secure. Default = Off.
123456 6
StartĂ/ĂStop Characters
✱ Default All MSI & Plessey Settings ✱
✱ Off
Maximum ]Minimum ]
Message Length
We recommend setting the minimum and maximum message lengths
according to the smallest range [Minimum, Maximum] the application allows.
The start/stop and check characters should not be counted. This will also help
minimize the chance of a misread. Defaults on default chart at the end of this
Note: To select digits 0 through 9 use the Programming Chart found on the
inside of theback cover of thismenu. Scanthe programmingselection bar code
first, and then scan the bar code(s) representing the digits you wish to set.
] A twoĆdigit number is required after scanning this programming bar code.
Please scan your selection on the Programming Chart (inside back cover).
Programming Tip: If a symbology won't be used, we recommend turning it off
to minimize the chance of a misread.