Manual Revisions
Agilent Technologies instruments are identified by a 10-digit serial number. The format is described as follows: first two
letters indicate the country of manufacture. The next four digits are a code that identify either the date of manufacture or of
a significant design change. The last four digits are a sequential number assigned to each instrument.
Item Description
US The first two letters indicates the country of manufacture, where US = USA; MY = Malaysia.
3648 This is a code that identifies either the date of manufacture or the date of a significant design change.
0101 The last four digits are a unique number assigned to each power supply.
If the serial number prefix on your unit differs from that shown on the title page of this manual, a yellow Manual Change
sheet may be supplied with the manual. It defines the differences between your unit and the unit described in this manual.
The yellow change sheet may also contain information for correcting errors in the manual.
Note that because not all changes to the product require changes to the manual, there may be no update information
required for your version of the supply.
Older serial number formats used with these instruments had a two-part serial number, i.e. 2701A-00101. This manual also
applies to instruments with these older serial number formats. Refer to Appendix B for backdating information.