Agilent Technologies E1439 Network Card User Manual

Agilent E1439 Programmer's Reference
Functions listed alphabetically
Selects front or rear panel availability of the sync signal. This description also includes the query
VXIplug&play Syntax
#include "age1439".h
ViStatus age1439_sync_direction(ViSession id,ViInt16syncDirection);
ViStatus age1439_sync_direction_get(ViSession id,ViPInt16syncDirectionPtr);
Note This command should be used only for specialized custom clock requirements. Most useful clock
setups can be supplied by age1439_clock_setup.
This function determines whether the front or rear panel sync signal is available to the other panel.
id is the VXI instrument session pointer returned by the age1439_init function.
syncDirection AGE1439_SYNC_FRNT_TO_REAR specifies that front panel sync signal be available on the
VXI backplane (rear panel).
AGE1439_SYNC_REAR_TO_FRNT specifies that the VXI backplane sync signal be available
on the front panel SMB sync connectors.
syncDirectionPtr Returns a pointer to the current value of syncDirection.
Return Value
AGE1439_SUCCESS indicates that a function was successful.
Values other than AGE1439_SUCCESS indicate an error condition or other important status
condition. To determine the error message, pass the return value to “age1439_error_message” on
page 102.
See Also
“Default values” on page 201, “age1439_init” on page 132, “age1439_sync_output” on page 180,
“age1439_sync_clock” on page 178, “Using clock and sync” in chapter 3