Raven X EV-DO for Verizon - User Guide, version 2.34 2
Introduction to Raven X EV-DO
Establishing an Internet Connection
The Raven X uses Verizon as an ISP (Internet Service Provider) to connect you to the Internet.
Steps of a connection:
In addition to the primary broadcast and receive antenna port (SMA, labeled Antenna), the Raven
X EV-DO is equipped with a secondary receive diversity antenna port (SMA, labeled Rx Div).
While use of the receive diversity antenna is optional, receive diversity can provide improved
bandwidth throughput and increased coverage, particularly in fringe network areas or mobile
Use of receive diversity is optional. Data transmission and reception will not be
adversely affected if it is not used. Diversity can, however, provide a more consis
tent signal. To work correctly, receive diversity requires the two antennas to be
placed at least six inches apart.
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is the underlying digital radio network technology used
by many cellular providers across the globe and is prevalent in North America. CDMA/1x pro
vides a digital cellular telephony system and can provide wireless Internet access at speeds
between 60 and 80 kbps, with bursts up to 144 kbps. 1x is a data standard built on CDMA.
1x and EV-DO data transmission is highly secure. Originally developed based upon the “spread
spectrum” pioneered by the US Department of Defense, security in 1x is obtained by spreading
the digital information contained in a particular signal of interest over multiple coded paths, over
a much greater bandwidth than the original signal.
1. When your Raven X is powered on, it automatically searches for cellular service using EV-
2. Your Raven X establishes a PPP (Point to Point Protocol or “dial” up connection) link to Ver-
izon’s network, also called registering on the network, and receives an IP address.
3. When your Raven X has received its IP address from Verizon, then it is ready to allow you to
connect to the Internet.
FIGURE 2. Using the Raven X to connect to the Internet