Chapter 4: Installing BACS on a Linux System
BASP SNMP Agent for Linux
This SNMP agent is designed to support the configuration and statistics
information pertaining to the BASP driver. The BASP SNMP agent is
available in two packaging formats: TAR archive and RPM. Both packages
include the same script and MIB files.
Installing the
TAR Archive
To uncompress and expand the tar archive, run:
% tar xvfz baspsnmp-{version}.tar
To install BASP SNMP agent for Linux, perform the following procedure.
1. Copy the getBaspInfo and genBaspTraps script files into /usr/bin
2. Copy the BASP-Config-MIB.txt, BASP-Statistics-MIB.txt and Brcm-
BSAPTrap-MIB.txt into the /usr/share/snmp/mibs directory.
3. Locate the snmpd.conf file.
It is usually located in one of the following directories:
4. Add the following lines to the snmpd.conf.
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
5. Stop the snmpd daemon and restart it again.
% /etc/init.d/snmpd stop
% /etc/init.d/snmpd start
6. Run the genBaspTraps script to allow monitoring of the BASP trap
% genBaspTraps
This script can be terminated by hitting Ctrl-C keys if BASP trap event
monitoring is no longer needed.