
3DM 2 Reference
www.3ware.com 47
Controller Details Page
Figure 16. Controller Details Page
The Controller Details page appears when you choose Information >
Controller Details from the menu bar.
The Controller Details page provides detailed information about the controller
specified in the drop-down list on the menu bar.
You can also open or download an error log from this screen.
Model. The model name of the controller.
Serial #. The serial number of the controller.
Firmware. The firmware version running on the controller.
Driver. The driver version being used to interact with the controller.
BIOS. The BIOS version on the controller.
Monitor. The Monitor version on the controller.This field appears only for
7000- and 8000-series controllers.)
Boot Loader. Boot Loader version on the controller. This field appears only
for 9000-series controllers.
# of Units. The number of units on the controller.
# of Ports. The number of total ports on the controller, regardless of whether
each currently has a drive connected.
Error Log. Provides access to the firmware’s error log. When you click this
link, a dialog box gives you the option to save the log to your computer, or
open it.