
Fastmark 600 Series User's Guide 86
To access the hidden list of features, select the Firmware Rev. feature then click the Enter button twice. The hidden
feature list is now enabled and may be selected by clicking the Display Down button.
Hidden Setup Feature and Value List
Ripple Pattern N/A Click the Enter button to initiate a rolling ASCII ripple
Factory Defaults N/A Clicking the Enter button resets all keypad features to
factory defaults. If the RTC clock is installed, these features
are not reset. The Label Count Feature can not be reset.
Caution: This feature could cause a loss of communication
with host if interface features have been modified.
PAL Boot Drive [A:,B:,C:, Auto Detect] This feature selects the boot drive. During power up the
system will scan the boot drive for a PAL program to run. If
Auto Detect is selected the system will scan all drives in
succession, starting with A:, searching for the first PAL
program to run.
F/W Update Mode N/A Clicking the Enter button causes main firmware control to
be halted and boot load firmware to be loaded. This mode
has a distinct setup mode feature list allowing serial port
parameters to be adjusted for the firmware download. See
Appendix F on firmware updates for more information.
Max Media Length [12-80] inches (FM602)
[12-54] inches (FM603)
This feature sets the maximum length media that the printer
will recognize. In normal setup mode, this value sets the
upper limit on the Media Length feature to avoid excessive
menu scrolling. This also controls how long of a label the
printer will look for when performing a label calibration.
Increase this value if media over 12 inches long is used.
Keypad Lockout [Enabled, Disabled] When Keypad Lockout is Enabled, the value of features may
be viewed but not changed. Also, any feature value which
may be changed from downline using a PAL
operator is
also locked out from change. This feature may be used to
keep users from modifying features or to override host
changes if needed.
Label Count N/A
This feature displays the number of labels printed since the
printer was manufactured. The total label length issued by
the printer will be dependant on the label length used. For
example if 4 inch label stock is used and the Label Count
feature indicates 100, then 400 inches of media have been