3.5 Configure Call-UPS II
Call-UPS II requires on-site configuration before remote operation. You
will be able to change any of the settings later by the remote connection.
Follow these steps to configure Call-
UPS II for:
• Communication parameters
• Password protection
• Time and date
• Paging (optional)
• Dial-back security (optional)
• Event logging (optional)
Initial Logging On
Connect DTE equipment (a dumb terminal or a computer running termi-
nal emulation software) to the Management Port of Call-
UPS II using the
supplied null modem cable. It may be necessary to use an adapter (not
supplied) to connect the
DTE equipment to the null modem cable.
Set the communication parameters of the DTE equipment to
9600 bits per
second, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit (
9600, 8, N, 1).
With Call-
UPS II running (Status Indicator on steady), press CTRL + P
(press and hold the CTRL key while pressing the P key). At the prompt:
Enter Password>
Type in APC and press ENTER.
Note: “
APC” is the factory default password for Call-UPS II. If the
default has been changed through previous configuration,
enter the changed password. Call-
UPS II communication is
case sensitive. Enter
APC in upper case.
On correct entry of the password, Call-
UPS II displays the following
---------------------- SMART-UPS 700 --------------------
Call-UPS II by American Power Conversion Corp
(c) Copyright 1994,95,97 All Rights Reserved
Site ID: 12345678
Location: Physical Location of This UPS
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