network management card
From the Rectifiers sub-menu, type 3 for Rectifier Status. Then at the
prompt, enter the number of a rectifier for a report of its status.
Status Field Description
Device Type The device type of the rectifier, including voltage and amperage.
All rectifiers in a DC Power Plant must be the same type.
In Standby Reports Yes if the control unit is holding the rectifier in standby
Firmware Version The firmware revision of the rectifier device.
Rect Fail Alarm Reports Yes if the rectifier has failed.
PCB Serial No. The PCB (Printed Circuit Board) serial number of the rectifier.
Rect Voltage The system-level rectifier voltage.
Self Test Result Reports whether the rectifier has passed or failed its diagnostic
Rect Current The DC output current in amps.
Fan Fail Reports Yes if the rectifier fan has failed.
Current Limit Reports Yes if the rectifier has been forced into its current-limited