network management card
E-mail Feature
You can use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send e-mail to a
maximum of four recipients when an event occurs.
To use the E-mail feature, you must define the following settings:
• The IP addresses of the primary and secondary Domain Name Service
(DNS) servers, as described in DNS servers
• The DNS name of the SMTP Server and the From Address settings
for SMTP, as described in SMTP settings
• The e-mail addresses for a maximum of four recipients, as described in
Email Recipients
DNS servers
The Management Card cannot send any e-mail messages unless the IP
address of the primary DNS server is defined (see DNS).
The Management Card will wait a maximum of 15 seconds for a response
from both the primary and (if specified) the secondary DNS servers. If the
Management Card does not receive a response within that time, e-mail
cannot be sent. Therefore, use DNS servers that are on the same segment
as the Management Card or on a nearby segment (but not across a WAN).
Once you define the IP addresses of the DNS servers, verify that DNS is
working correctly by entering the DNS name of a computer on your network
to test whether you can look up the IP address for that DNS name.
You can use the To Address setting of the Email Recipients
option to send e-mail to a text-based pager.