network management card
Event Recipients
The Web interface and control console both have options that allow you to
define up to four trap receivers and up to four e-mail addresses to be used
when an event occurs that has the SNMP traps or e-mail enabled. See
Event Actions (Web Interface only).
Trap Receiver settings
To access the Trap Receiver settings that allow you to define which NMSs
will receive traps:
• In the Web interface, use the Recipients option in the Events menu.
• In the control console, use the SNMP option in the Network menu.
Email options
See E-mail Feature.
Item Definition
Community Name This setting defines the password (maximum of 15
characters) used when traps are sent to the NMS
identified by the Receiver NMS IP setting.
Receiver NMS IP Identifies by IP address the NMS that will receive traps.
If this setting is (the default value), traps will not
be sent to any NMS.
Generation (Web interface)
Trap Generation (control
Enables (by default) or disables the sending of any traps
to the NMS identified by the Receiver NMS IP setting.
Authentication Traps Enables or disables the sending of authentication traps
to the NMS identified by the Receiver NMS IP setting.