44 Chapter 3 Problem, Meet Solution
To use Remote Install Mac OS X:
1 Insert the Mac OS X Install DVD into the optical disc drive of the other computer.
2 If the other computer is a Mac, open /Applications/Utilities/Remote Install Mac OS X.
(Unless the other Mac already has Mac OS X v10.5.5, you might need to install this
application.) On Windows, choose “Remote Install Mac OS X” from the Install Assistant.
3 Read the introduction and click Continue.
4 Select the installation disc you want to use, and click Continue.
5 Select a network connection: AirPort, if you ‘re using an AirPort network, or Ethernet, if
the other computer is on an Ethernet network. Click Continue.
6 Restart your Mac mini and hold down the Option key as it starts up, until you see a list
of available startup disks.
7 Choose a startup disk.
8 Click Continue in Remote Install Mac OS X.