5. Type ip address and the new address. The following screen appears:
Switch> enable
Switch# configure
Switch(config)# ip address
Switch(config)# end
Switch# show ip
Dhcp Client Enabled ..........: No
IP Address ...................:
Subnet Mask ..................:
Default Gateway ..............:
HTTP Server ..................: Enabled
HTTP Port ....................: 80
Switch# write file
Writing current-config to startup-config. Please wait.
Configuration saved to startup-config file
It is also acceptable to enter the subnet mask by typing ip address Use the show
interface veth1 command from privileged mode to see the new IP address. The new IP address automatically writes
over the default IP address.
See Chapter 6 for more information on assigning IP addresses to interfaces.
3.5.1 Setting a Default IP Gateway Address
To define the default IP gateway for the switch, insert a static route:
Switch(config)# ip default-gateway
3.6 Restoring Factory Defaults
To restore the switch to its factory default settings, follow the commands shown in the following screen.
Switch> enable
Switch# reload ?
fac-dflt-except-IP Reset ALL system parameters except IP parameters to factory
factory-default Reset ALL system parameters to factory default
The switch is ready for configuration. Refer to the following chapters for management and configuration information.
3.7 System Boot Parameters
The IntraCore IC36240 has two boot banks to store its runtime code. You can select which bank to use for the next
boot with the following command:
Switch(config)# boot system flash {bank1|bank2}
23 Asante IntraCore IC36240 User’s Manual