Appendix: Reference informationA-2
A.1 450 W single power supply
A.1.1 General description
The 450 W SSI-type single power supply with universal AC input includes PFC
and ATX-compliant output cables and connectors. The power supply has 13 plugs
labeled P1 to P13. Take note of the devices to which you should connect the plugs.
P2 P11P5 P6P1 P10P9P12 P13 P7
P2 Motherboard 4-pin +12V power connector
P1 Motherboard 24-pin ATX power connector
P12 Peripheral device (available); connect this to the SCSI/SATA backplane
P9 Floppy disk drive
P13 Peripheral device (available)
P5 Peripheral device (available)
P6 Peripheral device (available)
P7 Peripheral device (available); connect this to the SCSI/SATA backplane
P10 Peripheral device (available); optical drive
P11 Peripheral device (available)
P8 Peripheral device (available)
P3 Serial ATA device
P4 Serial ATA device
P8 P3 P4