Avaya AP-4 Network Router User Manual

4-70 Avaya Wireless AP-4/5/6 User’s Guide
HTTP Access
Setting Description
HTTP Interface
Configure the interface or interfaces
(Ethernet, Wireless, All Interfaces) from
which you will manage the AP via the Web
interface. For example, to allow Web
configuration via the Ethernet network only,
set HTTP Interface Bitmask to Ethernet.
You can also select Disabled to prevent a
user from accessing the AP from the Web
HTTP Port Configure the HTTP port from which you
will manage the AP via the Web interface.
By default, the HTTP port is 80.
Enable HTTP Setup
The Setup Wizard appears automatically
the first time you access the HTTP
interface. If you exited out of the Setup
Wizard and want to relaunch it, enable this
option, click OK, and then close your
browser or reboot the AP. The Setup
Wizard will appear the next time you access
the HTTP interface.