2-2 Avaya Wireless AP-4/5/6 User’s Guide
Information Description
Network Name
(SSID of the
wireless cards)
Assign the Access Point a Primary Network
Name before wireless users can
communicate with it. The clients also need
the same Network Name. This is not the
same as the System Name, which applies
only to the Access Point. The network
administrator typically provides the Network
AP’s IP Address If you do not have a DHCP server on your
network, then you need to assign the
Access Point an IP address that is valid on
your network.
HTTP (Web)
Interface Password
Each Access Point requires a read/write
password to access the Web interface. The
default password is “public”.
CLI Interface
Each Access Point requires a read/write
password to access the CLI interface. The
default password is “public”.
Each Access Point requires a password to
allow get requests from an SNMP manager.
The default password is “public”.
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