5026 MotorProtect CPU – (ALS256) Dust filter liner exhausted.
This leads to overheating the ma-
– (ALS 20X) Voltage selection switch
set faulty.
– There are some more possible caus-
es, which require a qualified service
technician to cure.
£ Renew the dust filter liner.
£ Check setting of the voltage selectio-
in switch.
£ If none of the above listed actions is
successful, search for technical as-
5140 Rewinder control Rewinder control
During problem-free operation,
the rewind unit dancer arm only
moves a minimal distance
around the "control position".
This is the position the dancer
arm takes up after initialisation
of the machine.
– Any force applied that moves the
dancer arm from its control position.
Example: The feed motor is blocked;
the backing paper is not conveyed
quickly enough; as a result the
dancer arm is pulled upwards.
Example: The backing paper is torn;
the dancer arm springs downwards.
£ Press the key.
– This reinitialises the dancer arm con-
trol; the dancer arm moves back into
the control position.
5143 Rewinder Stop – This message appears when the
dancer arm was held against its up-
per stop for more than two seconds.
Power to the rewinder motor is
switched off, so that the rewinder can
be turned easily by hand.
This effect is helpful when in-
stalling a new label roll, because
the rewinder can be turned
£ Press the key to confirm the er-
ror message.
5145 Material feed The maximum permitted diameter
(205mm) for the rewinder roll has been
£ Remove the rewound backing paper
This error can only occur if the
end of a new label roll was glued
on to backing paper that had al-
ready been wound onto the re-
£ Press the key to confirm the er-
ror message.
Status Status text Cause Action to take
[53] List of error messages