Barco 9200 Projector User Manual

Random Access Adjustment Mode
5975967 BARCOGRAPHICS 9200 030798
Select with or
<ENTER> to toggle
or to change value
<EXIT> to return
Source number 1
Clamp position [leading]
Clamp width [1]
Field polarity inverted [no]
Vertical refresh [sync]
Vert. sync polarity [leading]
trailing edge
leading edge
Example for clamp position [trailing]
Source Number : The source number of a non-active source can be
changed to any other source number. This makes it possible to create
a file for future source numbers.
Clamp Position : Clamping determines the black level of the signal.
The clamp pulse can be related to the leading or the trailing edge of
the sync pulse. Use the ENTER key to toggle between [leading] and
Clamp Width : The width of the clamp pulse [1] or [2]
Enter to toggle between [1] or [2].
Field Polarity Inverted :
The field polarity function is used for interlaced images. Both rasters
of the image could be shifted in a wrong way (double lines are visilble
in the image). This can be corrected by forcing the field polarity to
[neg] or [pos].
Use the ENTER key to toggle between [yes] and [no].
Vertical Refresh [sync/async] : The way of updating the image
information on the LCD panels.
For sources with a vertical frequency up to 60 Hz : the vertical
refresh rate is the same as the vertical frequency of the incoming
source. This is a necessity to project moving images without 'motion
artifacts'. For stationary images with a vertical frequency up to 60
Hz it is still possible to use asynchronous refresh. When loading Pal,
Secam, NTSC-files the synchronous mode is default, for all other
sources below 60 Hz asynchronous mode is default.
For sources with a vertical frequency higher that 60 Hz : the vertical
refresh is different than the vertical frequency of the incoming
source. Synchronous refresh cannot be used.
Vertical Sync Polarity : [leading] or [trailing]
The vertical refresh can be synchronised with the leading sync edge
or trailing sync edge. Default on [leading].
Toggling to [trailing] is only necessary for special applications where
the trailing edge of the sync signal has to be taken as a reference.
Use the ENTER key to toggle between [leading] or [trailing]
Press EXIT to leave the Edit File Option menu.
A 'Confirm Edit File' menu will be displayed.
Press ENTER to confirm and to save the new settings or EXIT to return
without saving the new entered settings.
Save changes to file
<ENTER> to confirm
<EXIT> to return