MatrixPRO-II DVI 16x16 Router
User’s Guide Rev. 04
3 Control Setup
The MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 router can be controlled in various ways such as command
input (RS-232, TCP/IP), Web GUI control panel (TCP/IP), Windows application (RS-232,
UDP) as well as key button on the front panel. To use a PC for control, the PC must be
configured properly.
3.1 TCP/IP
TCP/IP, the abbreviation of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet
Protocol (IP) is commonly used protocol to control remote computers.
To control MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 over TCP/IP, set network properties of PC as
below (Explained here is based on Win 7 OS).
▪ Open Control Panel.
▪ Select Network Status in Network and Internet menu.
▪ Select Adapter setting.
▪ Select Local Area Connection and right click to open property.
▪ Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
▪ Enter IP, Subnet mask, Gateway and DNS server address, compatible with the
current network setting of MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16
▪ Click OK to terminate IP setup session.
3.1.1 Launching Telnet
Telnet is a terminal program embedded in Window OS system to access remote
computers using TCP/IP protocol. With the network setting of the PC as above,
launch Telnet as below.
▪ Make sure that the PC and the router are connected by Ethernet.
▪ Click Start menu and select Run.
▪ Type CMD to open command window.
▪ Type ‘telnet’ (Type current IP address of the router)
▪ Press ENTER then, “==Welcome to MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 ==” and “==
TELNET control ==” messages will be shown.
▪ You can now type a command to control the router
The router’s default IP address is
Set the PC’s IP address in the same range as the routers address:
192.168.000.nnn; where ‘nnn’ is not conflicting with other devices on the network