3. Preferences
• Introduction
• Start up the preferences
• Access level
• Software Appearance
• Bug report setup
• Logging
• Workspace selection
3.1 Introduction
Preferences determine the default behavior of the software. Some preferences can be generally set for
the complete software, some others are only for the different plug-in modules.
3.2 Start up the preferences
How to start up ?
1. Click on File on the menu bar. (image 3-1)
The file menu opens.
2. Select Preferences... .
The Preference dialog box opens. (image 3-2)
3. Use the Show all button to display all the preference items. This Show all buttons is available in all
following sub preference windows.
4. Use Apply button to apply a preference change in one of the other module.
Use Cancel to ignore the preference changes.
Use OK to apply the preference changes and to close the window at the same time.
Image 3-1
Select Pr eferences
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