3. Preferences
4 different levels are defined:
• operator level
• service technician level
• theatre technician level
• Barco technician level
Each level can access specific functions in the service module. Only the operator level functions are
described in this manual.
3.4 Softw are A ppearance
What can be changed ?
The following items can be changed:
• Language of the software.
• Look and feel of the software.
Language selection
1. Click on Appearance (image 3-2).
The appearance window opens.
2.ClickonthecomboboxnexttoAppearance of the application.(image3-4)
The possible languages will be displayed.
3. Select the desired language.
4. Click on Apply to confirm the selection.
An info window will b e displayed to announce that the language change will t ake place after restarting
the software.
Image 3- 4
Language selection
Look and feel of the software
1. Click on Appearance (image 3-2).
The appearance window opens.
2. Click on the combo box next to Look and Feel. (image 3-5)
R59770449 DC TOOLSET 15/12/2009