
4. Configurator
4.3 Create a new conguration
1. Click File on the menu and select New New conguration (a). (image 4-2)
press Ctrl + N.
The New conguration dialog box opens (b).
2. Fill out a name for the new conguration next to Conguration name. The default name will be Cong-
uration_’digit’ (c).
Note: Only the characters a to z, A to Z, 1 to 9 and (, ), _, -, @ or allowed in a name.
When it is the rst conguration for this workspace, only the o ption Create by adding projectors is avail-
When there are already conguration available, the option Basedonavailableconguration becomes
3. Check the radio button of your choice (d).
4. When Basedonavailableconguration is checked, click on the combo box and select the conguration
on which the new conguration must be based on (e).
5. Click OK to create the new conguration (f).
Image 4- 2
Create new conguration
4.4 Add devic e to a conguration via scanning
What can be done ?
The network is scanned for possible dev
ices which can be added to the conguration. The overview list
shows all possible devices on the network and not only the devices with an installed plug-in. Even the
devices which are already in the conguration are in the list.
Multiple devices can be added at the same time. It is not possible to add a device twice or to add a device
for a non installed plug-in.
R59770449 DC TOOLSET 15/12/2009