7. Installation
About the file manager
Only user fi les can be displayed or manipulated in the file manager.
The following functions are available:
(1) Reload file list, to update the content of the file manager.
(2) Create new folder
(3) Delete file or folder
(4) Download selected file
(5) Upload file
7.2 Create new folder
What can be done ?
A new folder can be created on the touch panel’s operating system.
How to create a folder
1. Click on the New folder icon (a). (image 7-2)
The Create new folder window opens.
2. Click in the input field and enter a name for the folder.
3. Click OK to create the folder.
Image 7- 2
Create new folder
7.3 Delete a file or fo lder
How to delete
1. Click on a file or folder to select. (image 7-3)
R59770449 DC TOOLSET 15/12/2009