A. Recovery a projector with special plug-in
Image A-2
Create configuration
Image A -3
Add digital c inema projector
Image A-4
Start updater
A.2 Recov ery procedu re
What should be done?
The recovery of the software is done in different steps:
1. Recovery of the main software called dp80.
2. Reboot of the projector.
3. Updating all other software with intermediate reboot if necessary.
CAUTION: Do not use the recovery c ode for a normal upgrade of a projector (normal
conditions) ! It may damage the projector.
Recovery of the main software
1. Before pressing Update now,pressALT+SHIFT+Tat the same time followed by 012(usual key-
board, not numeric keyboard and without looking to the position of the digit on the button, upper row or
lower row).
R59770449 DC TOOLSET 15/12/2009