Barco R59770449/01 Projector User Manual

1. Installation
2. Double click on DCtoolset_Installer.exe .
The installation starts. Depending on the local Internet Explorer settings, it is possible that a warning is
displayed. Just click Run to start the installation.
3. Follow the instructions given in the different install windows.
4. Complete installation is automatic.
Note: A restart of the computer is necessary before the software can be used.
Barco DC Toolset DC Toolset item is added to the program list (unless otherwise selected during
the installation).
Only DC Toolset framework is installed. To start using it, rst install one or more device
plug-ins. The software will request to install the plug-ins.
To install on MAC OS X
The process of installing your software involves the following steps:
1. Browse to the folder where the downloaded installer zip le is stored.
2. Double click on the zip le to unzip.
3. Double-click on the DCToolset_Installer le.
4. Follow the instructions given in the different install windows.
5. The complete installation is done automatically.
Only DC Toolset framework is installed. To start using it, rst install one or more device
plug-ins. The software will request to install the plug-ins.
To install on Linux
The process of installing your software involves the following steps:
1. Browse to the folder where t he downloaded installer le (DCToolset_installer.bin) has been stored.
2. Check if the le is executable. T his is done by right clicking on the le and selecting ‘Properties’ from
the popup menu.
3. Select tab Permissions and check if Is executable is enabled. (image 1-1)
4. Double click on the DCtoolset_installer.bin to start the installation.
5. Follow the instructions given in the different install windows.
6. The complete installation is done automatically.
R59770449 DC TOOLSET 15/12/2009