
A. Recovery a projector with special plug-in
If the code is entered correctly, the Projector Toolset Settings dialog opens otherwise retry this step.
2. Disable Check device type before update (both items must be disabled). (image A-5)
3. Click OK to close the dialog.
4. Click Update now.
An update dialog window opens with the message that the projector is from an unknown type. (im-
age A-6)
5. Click on the combo box and select the correct projector type.
Click OK to continue.
The Update package selection window opens. ( image A-7)
6. Select the correct package and click Next.
Note: Using a wrong package can damage the projector completely.
Version information is collected. This operation can take while. (image A-8)
7. If something is checked, uncheck these items (double click to uncheck) and click on Next stage.
8. Uncheck all items by double clicking on the checked items except for item dp80.ClickNext.(imageA-9)
An overview is given of the software to be installed.
9. Click Install.
The selected software will be installed on the projector. This can take a few minutes. Wait until it is
When nished, a reboot message is displayed. Reboot the projector.
10.When the projector is rebooted, click OK. The installation continues and when Installation OK is dis-
Continue now with the update of all other software.
Image A-5
Projector Toolset settings
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