Cisco ONS 15600 Procedure Guide, R8.0
Chapter 17 DLPs E100 to E199
DLP- E177 Change Tunnel Type
DLP-E177 Change Tunnel Type
Step 1 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Overhead Circuits tabs.
Step 3 Click the circuit tunnel that you want to convert.
Step 4 Click Edit.
Step 5 In the Edit Circuit window, click the Tunnel tab.
Step 6 In the Attributes area, complete the following:
• If you are converting a traditional DCC tunnel to an IP-encapsulated tunnel, check the Change to
IP Tunnel check box and type the percentage of total DCC bandwidth used in the Maximum
Bandwidth field (the minimum percentage is 10 percent).
• If you are converting an IP tunnel to a traditional DCC tunnel, check the Change to SDCC Tunnel
check box.
Step 7 Click Apply.
Step 8 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to continue.
Step 9 In the Circuit Changed status box, click OK to acknowledge that the circuit change was successful.
Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-E178 Delete Overhead Circuits
Caution Deleting overhead circuits is service affecting if the circuit ports are in service. To put circuit ports out
of service, see the “DLP-E115 Change the Service State for a Port” task on page 17-16.
Purpose This task converts a traditional DCC tunnel to an IP-encapsulated tunnel or
an IP-encapsulated tunnel to a traditional DCC tunnel.
Tools/Equipment None
Prerequisite Procedures DLP-E105 Create a DCC Tunnel, page 17-5
DLP-E6 Create an IP-Encapsulated Tunnel, page 16-9
Required/As Needed As needed
Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote
Security Level Provisioning or higher
Purpose This task deletes overhead circuits. ONS 15600 overhead circuits include
DCC tunnels and IP-encapsulated tunnels.
Tools/Equipment None
Prerequisite Procedures DLP-E26 Log into CTC, page 16-33
Required/As Needed As needed
Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote
Security Level Provisioning or higher