CBM-253 User’s Manual
5.1 Serial interface
Specifications (Conform to RS-232C)
Synchronizing system : Asynchronous system
Handshaking : DTR/DSR control or Xon/Xoff control
Baud rates : 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200 (Selected by the user)
Data length : 7 or 8 bit length (Selected by the user)
Parity : Odd/Even/None (Selected by the user)
Signal level : Mark= -3 ~ -15V Logic '1'
: Space = +3 ~ +15V Logic '0'
Compatible interface connectors
Printer side : 25-pin connector 17-13250 (DDK) equivalent product
Cable side : 25-pin connector 17-23250 (DDK) equivalent product
Connector's pin configuration
Connector pin Signal name Input/output Function
1 FG – Frame ground
2 TXD Output Sending data
3 RXD Input Receiving data
6 DSR Input Data set ready
20 DTR Output Data terminal ready
7 SG – Signal ground
Note: Shielded type cables should be used.
Explanation of input and output signals
(1) RxD
This is the serial receiving data signal. On the occurrence of framing errors, overrun errors or parity errors,
this data will either be rejected or printed as ' ?'. according to the DSW2-7 switch condition.