Citizen Systems CBM-253 Printer User Manual

CBM-253 User’s Manual
m n1 n2 [d] k
[Name] Specifying of the bit image mode
[Code] <1B>H <2A>H <m> <n1> <n2> [<d>] k
[Defined ranges] m = 0, 1, 32, 33
0 n1 255
0 n2 3
0 d 255
k = n1 + 256 × n2 (m = 0, 1)
k = (n1 + 256 × n2) x 3 (m = 32, 33)
This command specifies the bit image of mode m with regard to the number of dots
specified by n1 and n2.
The number of dots for printing will be divided by 256, and the quotient will become
n2 with the remainder becoming n1, Accordingly, the number of dots in the horizontal
direction will be n1 + 256 × n2.
In a situation where the bit image data input exceeds the dot positions that are capable
of being printed on one line, the portion of data in excess will be rejected for reading.
d is the bit image data. When the data is to be printed, the corresponding bit should be
set to 1 , and data which is not to be printed should have the corresponding bit set to 0.
The bit image mode selected using m will be as shown below :
Vertical direction Horizontal direction
m Mode
Number of dots Dot density Dot density
number of dots
0 8-dots single density 8 67 DPI 101 DPI 224
1 8-dots double density 8 67 DPI 203 DPI 448
32 24-dot single density 24 203 DPI 101 DPI 224
33 24-dot double density 24 203 DPI 203 DPI 448