Upgrading vCenter Server Version 5.1 to Version 5.5
update cloud.vmware_data_center set password = <_ciphertext_from_step_i_> where id =
g. Confirm that the table is updated:
select * from cloud.vmware_data_center;
3. Start the CloudPlatform Management server
service cloudstack-management start
9.6. Upgrading vCenter Server Version 5.1 to Version 5.5
To upgrade VMWare vCenter Server from version 5.1 to version 5.5, perform the following procedure:
1. Run the following command on all the Usage Server hosts to stop the CloudPlatform Usage
Servers that are currently running:
# service cloudstack-usage stop
2. Run the following command on all Management server hosts to stop the CloudPlatform
Management Servers:
# service cloudstack-management stop
3. Upgrade vCenter Server from version 5.1 to 5.5 as described at: Methods of upgrading to vCenter
Server 5.5
4. Run the following command on each CloudPlatform Management Server separately to start it:
#service cloudstack-management start
5. Start all CloudPlatform Usage Servers.
#service cloudstack-usage start
9.7. Upgrading KVM Agents (KVM Only)
The following procedure will not affect the running guests in the cloud. This procedure is required only
for clouds using KVM as hosts and only on the KVM hosts.