Upgrading Secondary Storage VMs and Console Proxy VMs
service cloudstack-agent restart
e. Cancel the host maintenance. Ensure that the host is in the Up state.
f. Continue with the above steps on all the KVM hosts.
3. Upgrade Management Server. For more information, refer to the appropriate topic from the
Section 9.1, “Upgrading from 4.3.x to 4.5.0 ”
Section 9.2, “Upgrading from 4.2.x to 4.5.0 ”
Section 9.3, “Upgrading from 3.0.x to 4.5.0 ”
4. Upgrade each KVM agent. For more information, refer to Section 9.7, “Upgrading KVM Agents
(KVM Only) ”
9.11. Upgrading Secondary Storage VMs and Console
Proxy VMs
Perform the following on all the System VMs including Secondary Storage VMs and Console Proxy
1. Upgrade Secondary Storage VMs and Console Proxy VMs either from the UI or by using
the following script. To upgrade the system VMs using the script, you must stop and
start the system VMs using the cloudstack-sysvmadm script. Ensure that the value of
integration.api.port is set to 8096. If not, set the value to 8096 and restart Management
# cloudstack-sysvmadm -d <IP address> -u cloud -p <password> -s -l <location-log-file>
<IP Address> is the IP address of the cloud database server. If you have not specified this,
it will display as root. Also, you can specify any location to collect the logs. Default location is
cloud.log under current directory.
9.12. Upgrading the Virtual Routers Selectively
Perform the following procedure to selectively upgrade the virtual routers:
1. Log in to the CloudPlatform UI as the root administrator.
2. In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure.
3. On Virtual Routers, click View More.
All the VRs are listed in the Virtual Routers page.
4. In Select View drop-down, select desired grouping based on your requirement:
You can use either of the following:
• Group by zone
• Group by pod