CNET CNWR-811P Network Router User Manual

CNWR-811P User Guide
Types of Virtual Servers
The CNWR-811P supports two (2) types of Virtual Servers:
- Standard server types. The only data required is the IP Address of the server
on your LAN.
- Non-standard servers. You must provide additional information about the
The TOTAL number of Virtual Servers which can be used at any time is 10.
Virtual Server Configuration
The Virtual Servers screen is reached by the Advanced Internet - Virtual Servers link. An
example screen is shown below.
Figure 28: Virtual Server Screen.
WAN IP Address
This shows the IP Address which Internet users must use to
connect to any of your Virtual Servers.
To Internet Users, ALL your Virtual Servers have the same IP
This IP Address is allocated by your ISP. It is better to have a
fixed IP Address.