Interconnecting Cables
Interconnecting cable conductor size is dependent upon
the distance between the control, switches, and potential
transformers. Maximum lengths of various cable combi-
nations for No. 18 through No. 12 AWG conductors are
shown in Table 2. The longest combination for the partic-
ular installation will determine the minimum conductor
size. All cables are to be the same conductor size.
Note: If the control is equipped with the fault block accesso-
ry, see Table 3 for additional cable length limitations.
On the switch end, the cables are wired to connector
plugs provided as standard with the switches. On the S
control end, the cables are wired either directly to termi-
nal blocks in the control or to connector plugs provided
with the Plugs and Receptacles accessory. Figure 9
shows the location of the accessory plugs and recepta-
cles in the bottom of the control cabinet. See the appro-
priate switch installation manual for the location of the
plugs and receptacles on the switch.
Switch Cable
A conductor cable is required between the S control and
each high-voltage switch to operate the switches. This
cable is wired to a socket plug at the switch end and to
either a plug or TB1 at the control end. Pin identification,
and cable OD and maximum conductor size accommo-
dated by the plugs are shown in Figures 10 and 11.
Potential Transformer Cable
A four-conductor cable is required between the S control
and the potential transformers to transmit source voltage
intelligence and to supply operating power for the control.
This cable is wired to a five-pin socket plug or TB2 at the
control end. Pin socket identification, cable OD, and
maximum conductor size accommodated by the plugs
are shown in Figure 12.
Note: Connectors are not supplied for the transformer end of
the cable.
1/2" TO 5/8" DIA. CABLE
3/8" TO 1/2" DIA. CABLE