Service Manual
System Outline
Items Specification Remark
Process 0.13um (STDH150)
Package - 496 PBGA (total pad number:597ea)
- Function pin: about 367pins
- PWR & GND pin: 130pins ( (130/496) 100 = 26.2 %)
- PWR & GND pad: 204ea ((204/597)
100 = 34.17%)
Voltage - Core Voltage: 1.2V
- I/O Pad Voltage: 3.3V ?RTC Voltage : 3V
CPU Core ARM 920T (I-Cache: 16KB, D-Cache-16KB)
Operating Freq. - CPU Core: over 300MHz
- Target System Bus: 100MHz
SDRAMC - 32 Bits Only, 100MHz
- 5 Banks (Up to 128MB per Bank)
- Feed-back clock(for SDRAM read) is appended
ROMC 4 Banks (Up to 16MB per Bank)
IOC 6 Banks (Up to 16MB per Bank)
DMAC 6 Channels
(if not use CIP4e, 4ch is available for external DMA. if CIP4E
used (a4 DMA channel use), 2ch available for external DMA)
HPVC - Dual / Single Beam
- Support A4 600dpi, multi-pass color.
PVC - Dual / Single Beam
- Support A3 1200dpi, multi-pass color.
UART 5 Channels (Channel0 supports DMA/interrupt Operation )
INTERRUPT 6 External Interrupts, 26 Internal Interrupts
TIMER 6 System Timers
CIP4e -300/400/600/1200dpi CIS/CCD image sensor interface
-Color/Mono grey image, Binary image scan support
-600dpi Color/Mono Copy support
-Image processing for High-End MFP, Digital Copier,
-MH/MR/MMR CODEC function for fax
- Scan image :(max) A4 1200dpi pixel processing,
-Copy image :(max) A4 600dpi pixel processing
NAND Flash - 8/16 Bits, H/W ECC Generation
Controller - Auto Boot Mode (using internal SRAM, 4KB)
MAC - 10M/100Mbps
- Full IEEE 802.3 compatibility
PPI IEEE1284 compliant parallel port interface
GEU Graphic Execution Unit
*PWR & GND pin :
114ea*Dedicated PWR
& GND pin(ring, rtc,
lvds, pll): 16ea