Index 135
print, 29
banner, 37
borderless photos, 30
collated copies, 35
document, 29
multi-page poster, 36
photos, 29
Printer Setup Utility,
accessing, 61
Printing Preferences
accessing, 76
Advanced tab, 77
Maintenance tab, 77
Print Setup tab, 77
using, 76
reducing scanned
documents, 50
reinstalling software, 81
removing software, 81
replacing ink cartridges, 83
scan, 43
enlarging, 50
reducing, 50
editing scanned images, 48
email scanned image or
document, 49
multiple pages or images, 46
over a network, 45
photos, 44
saving an image, 48
using the operator panel, 43
using the printer software, 43
scanned images, editing, 48
Dell All-In-One Center, 73
Memory Card Manager, 78
Printer Setup Utility, 61
Printing Preferences, 76
removing, 81
speed dial list, 65
creating from the
computer, 66
creating from the operator
panel, 65
using, 67
contacting Dell, 101
transparencies, loading, 27
error messages and lights, 97
general problems, 92
setup problems, 89
warranty, 124, 130