Dell CMC 3.2 Computer Drive User Manual

180 iDRAC6 and CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions
cfgSsnMgtSshIdleTimeout (Read/Write)
NOTE: If 0 (no timeout), the network connection does not send keep alive packets
to probe the client. Otherwise, keep alive packets are sent to guarantee that the
client is responding.
Description Defines the secure shell idle timeout. This property sets the
amount of time in seconds that a connection is allowed to remain
idle (there is no user input). The session is cancelled if the time
limit set by this property is reached. Changes to this setting do not
affect the current session; you must log out and log in again to
make the new settings effective.
An expired secure shell session displays the following error message:
In case of iDRAC6 on Rack and Tower Servers:
Connection timed out
In case of iDRAC6 Enterprise on Blade Servers:
Session timed out. Closing the session...
After the message is displayed, the system returns you to the shell
that generated the Secure Shell session.
Legal Values 0 (No timeout)
0 – 10800
Default For iDRAC6 on Rack and Tower Servers: 300
For iDRAC6 Enterprise on Blade Servers and CMC: 1800