Dell CMC 3.2 Computer Drive User Manual

RACADM Subcommand Details 51
racadm feature -d -c flexaddress
The feature FlexAddress is deactivated on the
chassis successfully
racadm feature -s
Feature Name = FlexAddress
Date/time Activated = 26 Apr 2010 - 10:16:48
Feature installed from SD-card serial number =
Feature Name = FlexAddressPlus
Date/time Activated = 26 Apr 2010 - 10:16:48
Feature installed from SD-card serial number =
Feature name = ExtendedStorage (for redundant use)
Date/time Activated = 06 May 2010 - 07:42:20
Feature installed from SD-card serial number =
-r Reformats damaged/unformatted ExtendedStorage media.
CAUTION: Using the -r switch deactivates the ExtendedStorage
feature, if active; reformats the SD media in the active CMC cardslot;
and may reboot the active CMC.
-c <featurename> must be one of the following:
flexaddress (with -d)
flexaddressplus (with -d)
ExtendedStorage (with -a,-d,-1,-2, or -r)
Table 2-6. feature Subcommand Options
Option Description