For temperatures between 40 °C and 45 °C, de-rate
maximum allowable dry bulb temperature by 1 °C per 125
m above 950 m (1 °F per 228 ft).
Expanded operating temperature restrictions
• Do not perform a cold startup below 5 °C.
• Maximum 95 W processor is supported.
• The following do not support the expanded
operating temperature range:
– Non Dell-qualified peripheral cards
and/or peripheral cards greater than 25
– Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC)
H710/H710P cards (in dual-processor
• When populating the blade slots in the M1000e
enclosure with only PowerEdge M620 blades:
– Install only 97 mm wide heat sink(s).
– Dual-processor blades with PERC H310
cards cannot be mixed with single-
processor blades.
– If you install a blade with two processors
and a PERC H310 card in the M1000e
enclosure, all blade slots in the
enclosure must have PowerEdge M620
blades with the same configuration
(PowerEdge M620 blades with two
processors and a PERC H310 card).
However, vacant blade slots in the
enclosure can be installed with blade