Dell MD3600F Computer Hardware User Manual

196 Configuration: Premium Feature— Remote Replication
Resynchronizing Virtual Disks
There are two resynchronization methods for remote replications:
Manual resynchronization—See "Manually Resynchronizing Virtual Disks"
on page 200.
Automatic resynchronization—See "Automatically Resynchronizing
Virtual Disks" on page 200.
For more information about synchronization and resynchronization in remote
replications, see:
"Normally Synchronized Virtual Disks" on page 196.
"Unsynchronized Virtual Disks" on page 199.
"Setting Synchronization Priority and Synchronization Method" on
page 188.
"Changing Synchronization Priority and Method" on page 197.
"Resynchronizing Virtual Disks" on page 196.
You might need to periodically test the communication between the primary
virtual disk and the secondary virtual disk in a remote replication, especially
after resynchronizing virtual disks. For information about testing the
communication, go to Testing Communication between the Primary and
Secondary Virtual Disk.
Normally Synchronized Virtual Disks
In a normally synchronized remote replication, RAID controller module
owners manage the transfer of data from the primary to the secondary virtual
disk. In a normal remote replication, these events occur:
The primary virtual disk receives a write request from a host.
The RAID controller module owner on the storage array logs information
about the write operation to a replication repository virtual disk in the
storage array.
The RAID controller module owner writes the data to the primary virtual disk.
The RAID controller module owner starts a data transfer operation to the
secondary virtual disk on the secondary storage array. Page 196 Wednesday, June 8, 2011 5:01 PM