NOTE: The driver update disk (DUD) images are created only for those operating system releases in
which the native (in-box) driver is insufficient for installation. In the event that an operating system is
being installed with a corresponding DUD image, follow the instructions below.
Installing or updating the RPM driver package with KMOD support
NOTE: This procedure is applicable for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 SP2.
Perform the following steps to install the RPM package with KMOD support:
1. Uncompress the gzipped tarball driver release package.
2. Install the driver package using the command: rpm –ihv kmodmegaraid_ sas-<version>.rpm.
NOTE: Use rpm -Uvh <package name> when upgrading an existing package.
3. If the previous device driver is in use, you must reboot the system for the updated driver to take
4. Verify that the driver is loaded with the following system commands: modinfo megaraid_sas.
Installing or updating the RPM driver package with KMP support
NOTE: This procedure is applicable for SUSE Enterprise Linux 11 SP2.
Perform the following steps to install the RPM package with KMP support:
1. Uncompress the gzipped tarball driver release package.
2. Install the driver package using the command: rpm –ihv kmpmegaraid_ sas- <version>.rpm.
NOTE: Use rpm -Uvh <package name> when updating an existing package.
3. If the previous device driver is in use, you must reboot the system for the updated driver to take
4. Verify that the driver is loaded with the following system commands: modinfo megaraid_sas.