COMSPHERE 3900 Series Modems
9-2 September 1998 3910-A2-GN32-40
Press the key until SubHS appears. Select SubHS.
If there are no modems in the multipoint poll list, the message Poll
List Empty! appears on the second line of the LCD.
Sub-network HS
Nxt xxx yyyyyy
When you select SubHS,
xxx Displays the network management address of the downstream modem
yyyyyy Displays the status of the downstream modem. This message is updated every
several seconds to display the latest status. MAJOR, MINOR, and STATUS
display Health and Status alarm conditions; refer to Table 4-1 in the Device
Health and Status (DeviceHS) section of Chapter 4, Status Branch, for
additional information. UNKNWN appears when the modem does not
recognize the downstream health and status information or device
communication is not established. Normal appears if no alarms are present.
NO RSP appears when the downstream modem does not respond to the poll.
Select Nxt to scroll through the entries in the poll lists.
To exit this function and return to the Top-Level menu, press the