Electro Industries/GaugeTech
Doc # E107706 V1.25 11-3
Use Standard RJ-45 10/100BaseT cable to connect with the Nexus 1250/1252. The RJ-45 line is
inserted into the RJ-45 Port on the face of the Nexus with Internal Network Option.
Set the IP Address using the following steps:
(Refer to Section 3.5 of the Communicator EXT User Manual for more details).
1. From the Device Profile screen, double-click on the Communications Ports line, then double-
click on any of the ports. The Device Profile Communications Settings screen appears.
2. In the Network Settings section, enter data provided by your systems manager:
IP Address: (Example)
Subnet Mask: (Example)
Default Gateway: (Example)
Computer Name: NETWORK (Example)
Baud Rate: 115200 (Example)
NOTE: DO NOT check Obtain IP Address using DHCP Server, if you have an IP Address.
After the above parameters are set, Communicator EXT will connect via the network using a Device
Address of “1” and the assigned IP Address using the following steps:
1. Double click on Communicator EXT icon to open.
2. Click the Connect icon in the icon tool bar. The Connect screen will appear.
3. Click the Network button at the top of the screen. The screen will change to one requesting the
following information:
Device Address: 1
Host: IP Address (per your network adminitrator).
Network Port: 502
Protocol: Modbus TCP
4. Click the Connect button at the bottom of the screen. Communicator EXT connects to the
Nexus with the Host IP Address via the Network.
To connect with other Nexus Meters in either local or remote locations, you MUST use the
Ethernet Gateway as a Master and an RS-485 connection to any port on the remote Nexus.
The Address of the remote Nexus MUST be something other than “1”. “1” is reserved for the
Nexus connected to the network via its RJ-45.
The link using RS-485 is viable for up to 4000 feet (1219 meters).