Electro-Voice 250 Computer Monitor User Manual

AMPS: Current Readings A-B-C
Real Time Current A/B/C
Touch BACK to view the Amps main screen.
REAL TIME POWER: Real Time Power
Readings Details
Instant Watt/VAR/VA/PF
Average Watt/VAR/VA/PF
Predicted Watt/VAR/VA
Touch the DEMAND button to go to the Demand
Power screen (shown below)
DEMAND POWER: Demand Power Readings
Thermal Window Average Maximum
+kWatt/+kVAR/CoIn kVAR
Block (Fixed) Window Average Maximum
+kWatt/+kVAR/CoIn kVAR
Predictive Rolling (Sliding) Window Maximum
+kWatt/+kVAR/CoIn kVAR
Touch R/T button to view Real Time Power screen.
ENERGY: Accumulated Energy Information
-Watthr Quadrant 2+Quadrant 3 (Primary)
+VAhr Quadrant 2 (Primary)
+VARhr Quadrant 2 (Primary)
+VAhr Quadrant 3 (Primary)
-VARhr Quadrant 3 (Primary)
+Watthr Quadrant 1+Quadrant 4 (Primary)
+VAhr for all Quadrants (Primary)
Touch TOU button to view TOU Register
Accumulations screen.
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
Doc # E107706 V1.25 6-12