
Starting up SlideMaker2 and converting files
Including PowerPoint Files in Scenarios
PowerPoint files can be included into scenarios with the following three
Including all slides by dragging & dropping PowerPoint files
Including all slides by double-clicking PowerPoint files s p.63
Including only selected slides when checking thumbnails
If you include only a selection of slides, the animation settings that have
been made using PowerPoint are ignored. s p.65
If all slides in a PowerPoint file are included in the scenario, the animation
settings that have been made using PowerPoint are retained and the appear
as usual when the scenario is projected using PC Free.
Slides that retain their animation settings are displayed in the cells of the
scenario window with an ".EMA" extension. If you click on a cell with an
".EMA" extension, all of the animation operations are displayed in the
animation check window.
Slides that have no animation settings are displayed in the cells with a
".JPG" extension.
Movie files included in a PowerPoint file cannot be played
back on the scenario.
Thumbnails cannot be displayed if PowerPoint is not
installed on your computer.
Although animations can be set in the properties window
of EMP SlideMaker2, animations set in advance in the
PowerPoint file operate more smoothly when played in the
scenario. To set animations in PowerPoint slides, we
recommend you set them in the PowerPoint file itself. If
you want to make animation settings for images, or if you
want to add animation settings to slides that lost their
animation settings when they were included in the
scenario, make the settings in the properties window of
EMP SlideMaker2.
.JPG: Cells with PowerPoint
animation settings that have
been ignored
.EMA: Cells with PowerPoint
animation settings that have
been retained
Animation check window