Check each list to see if all the information is correct. If any setting is
incorrect, highlight
Change settings
and press
The main
Setup menu appears and you can change the setting.
If you did not make any changes or you want to cancel the changes
you made, highlight Exit without saving and press Enter. The
Operation menu appears on the screen. Press 0 and Enter to return
to the MS-DOS command prompt. (If you changed the time or date,
however, the new setting will be in effect.)
If you want to save the settings you made, remove the Reference
diskette and insert the Startup diskette in the drive. Highlight
and press
The program stores the
new settings and resets the computer using the new configuration.
The computer loads MS-DOS and displays the date prompt. Press
once to accept the displayed date and a second time to accept
the time. The A> prompt appears on the screen.
If the computer displays a setup error message while it is starting up,
run the Setup program again and check all your settings.
Setup Program