Programming Samples 4-8
Contorol of The Buzzer
TM-U230 has ESC(A command, which can control the internal buzzer. ESC(A command is
supported by the Firmware version 1.02 and above. You can confirm the Firmware version by
the following procedure.
<Starting the self test>
1. Hold on the FEED button and turn on the printer with the paper roll cover opened.
2. Printer then prints the current printer status(Control ROM version, DIP switch settings)
on a roll paper.
This chapter describes the programming samples of DirectIO in OPOS.
Dim RC As Long
Dim pString As Long
Dim pData As String
pString = Chr(&H1B)+”=”+Chr(&H01)+Chr(&H1B)+"(" + "A" + Chr(&H5) + Chr(&H0)
+ Chr(&H61) + Chr(&H64) + Chr(&H5) + Chr(&H0A) + Chr(&H0A) `Stores the data
to be sent by DirectIO
.....Printing process.....
pString )`send the command data (ESC=1 and ESC (A 5 0 61 64 5 A A)
Chr(&H1B) + “=” + Chr(&H01) included at the start of the output data is the command
for selecting the printer. If the printer and customer display are connected by hydra-
connection, it is necessary to branch the transmission to the printer and customer
display by commands.
ESC=1: Printer
ESC=2: Display