Epson GT-15000 Scanner User Manual

Index 79
Safety instructions, 72
Scaling images, 39
choosing location, 12
cleaning, 53
connecting, 14 to 15
installing software, 16 to 17
moving, 54
problems, 57 to 59
turning off, 13
turning on, 13
unpacking, 11
color images, 39
documents with PaperPort Deluxe, 28 to 30
double-sided, 46
photos, 32 to 34
placing documents, 20
previewing scans, 37 to 38, 59
Start button, 35 to 36
text for editing, 8, 31 to 32
tips, 38 to 39
to a file, 21
with automatic document feeder, 46
Scanning Quality setting, 27
connecting to, 15
interface specifications, 69
problems, 58
Service, 64 to 65
installing, 16 to 17
problems, 60
uninstalling, 64
automatic document feeder, 70
electrical, 68
environmental, 68
FireWire card, 69
scanner, 67 to 70
Start button, 35 to 36
Support, 64 to 65
System requirements, 48, 71
Target Size setting, 27, 34
Technical support, 64 to 65
Text scanning, 8, 31 to 32
Tone correction, 27
Transportation lock, 13, 54, 58
Transporting scanner, 54
automatic document feeder, 56, 60
image quality, 60 to 63
scanner, 57 to 59
software, 60
Turning off scanner, 13
Turning on scanner, 13
Uninstalling software, 64
Unpacking scanner, 11
Unsharp Mask Filter, 25, 28, 30
connecting to, 14
interface specifications, 69
Warranty, 74 to 75