Appendix B
You should not encounter any difficulties as you set up and use your
Equity Ie. You can correct most problems by adjusting a cable connection,
repeating a software procedure, or resetting the computer. If anything out of
the ordinary happens, turn to this chapter for a solution.
Besides trying the suggestions in this chapter, you can run a diagnostics
check on the various components of your computer system. See Appendix
D, Performing System Diagnostics, for instructions.
If the suggestions in this chapter or Appendix D do not solve the problem,
contact your Epson dealer. Your dealer may be able to solve the problem; if
not, he or she can refer you to an Authorized Epson Customer Care Center.
If necessary, call the Epson Customer Information number (l-800-922-8911)
for the location of your nearest Authorized Epson Customer Care Center.
When you contact your dealer or Customer Care Center, be ready to
provide the serial number of your computer, its configuration (including the
type of disk drives, monitor, and option cards), and the names and version
numbers of any software you are using.
The Computer Won’t Start
If your computer does not start up when you turn on the power switch,
follow the steps below. (If you have a hard disk, also see the section on hard
disk problems later in this chapter.)
Check that the POWER light on the front panel of the main unit is on.
If it is not, remove any diskettes you have in the drives and turn off the
power. Wait five seconds, then turn the power back on.
When you turn off the computer, always wait at least five seconds before
turning it back on. You can damage your computer if you turn it off and
on rapidly