FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 42 of 58
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
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Appendix B. Troubleshooting Tips
Appendix B.1. Address Errors
If the driver produces BAD_ADDRESS stats then do the following
• Read the notes on processing errors. You can see the last error response and a report
of the MD's which received the error response in the error array.
• Alternatively, take a log, open the ASCII version of the log and look for error messages.
Error 2 is the response sent by the panel when it is polled for a point that doesn’t exist.
Find the Error #2's n the log. Now look at the line which precedes the error. It is the poll.
Look to see which point in being polled. Now you know the c-p-s of the invalid point, edit
the configuration and remove the MD which polls for data at that point. When you have
finished editing the configuration, download the modified file and reset the FS for the
changes to take effect.
Appendix B.2. Driver Limitations
• Other than being able to write through a Map Descriptor where the sim4100_func=’clist’ ,
write throughs are not supported by this driver.
• Port expansion is not supported.