a) One set-point must be within a few degrees of 0°C (32°F or
273.15K) (preferably as close to 0°C as possible).
b) One set-point must be below 0°C.
c) Two set-points must be above 0°C.
4. The following IPTS-68 coefficients are always calculated:
a) R0
d) a4
e) c4
5. Residuals are not calculated when calculating IPTS-68 coefficients.
3.7.3 Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients
The following requirements must be met when Callendar-Van Dusen is selected
as the type of coefficients to calculate for Platinum probes. For more informa-
tion concerning the method used to calculate the Callendar-Van Dusen coeffi-
cients, see Section 3.8, Methods Used for Calculating Coefficients.
1. The Reference Probe readings must be in temperature (°C, °F or K).
2. The UUT (test probe) readings must be in resistance (Ohms or KOhms).
3. At least 3 set-points must be used but no more than 10 set-points can be
used. If any one of the set-points is below 0°C (32°F or 273.15K), at
least 4 set-points must be used.
Note: This software automatically determines if the BETA coefficient
needs to be calculated based on the following criteria:
The Reference reading closest to 0°C is not used to determine whether
BETA is calculated.
If any other Reference reading is below 0°C, BETA will be calculated.
Otherwise, BETA will not be calculated.
4. One of the set-points used should be close to 0°C. This is not a require
ment, however results of the calculations become less reliable when no
reading is near 0°C because the software must interpolate the reading at
0°C based on the readings provided.
5. The following Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients are calculated:
a) R0
9933 TableWare
User’s Guide